How To Carve A Carrot Butterfly!! By Chef Quoc N.

How To Carve A Carrot Butterfly!! By Chef Quoc N.
When I first started to try and carve this, it didn\’t turn out too good. But I kept practicing and practicing. I made mistakes, and most of the time, its because of those mistakes that gave me ideas!! I would accidentally cut a curve and made it look better!! lol somehow I had a feeling that someone was guiding me! But really… I learn this all by myself! No one showed me or lead me! I\’m proud to be where I am based on experience. I learned by myself and getting ideas through Youtube and images on the web. That\’s why I\’m sharing it back on the web for others on the web to learn and enjoy!! :))

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10 thoughts on “How To Carve A Carrot Butterfly!! By Chef Quoc N.”

  1. Excellent video! It is long but I do like the details and the attention. Often in a lot of garnishing videos, they don't share the details that will make it stand out. Thanks.

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