Maui\’s Best Private Exotic Fruit Tour | Ono Organic Farms | Gordon Ramsey\’s Experience

Maui\’s Best Private Exotic Fruit Tour | Ono Organic Farms | Gordon Ramsey\’s Experience
This is a one of a kind private tour of Ono Organic Farms.
The rich soil on all the islands of Hawaii and it\’s tropical climate makes it perfect for all kind of exotic fruits. Fruits that I remembered we could only get in Vietnam, are now grown and harvested here in the US!

This tour was inspired from the famous chef Gordon Ramsay, who featured Ono Organic Farms in his Uncharted TV series. You\’ll be able to take the same tour he did and eat all kinds of exotic fruits (while in season) picked straight from the tree, eaten right there and then!

Nick, our tour guide was super informative on all the fruits that we had. From the way they farm it to the fruit\’s origins, as well as many fun facts. It\’s like learning all these new things while getting so full off of fruits. Not to mention the big box of fruits that we get to take with us to enjoy for the rest of our stay on the island. We can\’t take any fruits back to the mainland, so just be mindful about taking the fruits, as you\’ll need to toss what you can\’t eat in time.

While I haven\’t taken any other farm tours on the island. I can easily say that this is Maui\’s best fruit farm tour. The only tour that does private tour that lets you pick off their fruit trees, and pack a bunch more for you to take home.

Nick mentioned that he only does tours as he sees fit, and can only fit in 2 tours a week if he choose to do so. So if you\’re looking to book this private tour, you should probably try booking it first before even booking the plane ticket to Maui.

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