Mi Quang Recipe – Vietnam\’s Quang Nam Province Specialty Noodle


Although I have yet to try the original Mi Quang from its birthplace of Quang Nam Province of Vietnam, my mom\’s Mi Quang is so much tastier than any that I\’ve had at restaurants. My mom was born and raised in Quang Ngai (within Quang Nam province), so I take it that I\’ve got a good mi quang recipe source to backup my take on what it should taste like.

What is Mi Quang?

This flat rice noodle in Mi Quang is from rice noodle, and dyed yellow using tumeric. I am not sure to why it is called \”mi\” which translate to \”wheat noodles or egg noodles\”, when it is made from rice noodles.

This is a pork and shrimp broth dish. It is supposedly be eaten with very little soup as compared to pho or other Vietnamese noodle soup dish. The broth is salty, sweet, with aromatic of shellfish flavor and boldness of pork ribs.

Mi quang is so much easier to cook compared to Pho. Also, it would be a bit cheaper to make when compared to pho or bun rieu.

Do they serve Mi Quang in Vietnamese restaurants in the States?

There are not too many restaurant in the States that serves up Mi Quang. It is because only Vietnamese are familiar to the dish. I\’ve had it a few times at different restaurants, but it always is a disappointment. I am not sure how they fail to serve up this simple noodle bowl.

I can only imagine that the shrimp shells does gets a bit hard from the sugar caramelization if left too long. It is a bit hard to maintain the freshness and quality of this noodle dish when served at a restaurant. It\’s probably better to make it at home anyways. 🙂

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